Things You Should Know When Preparing to Attend a Virtual Career Fair
A career fair is an event that involves potential employees or job seekers meeting with future employers and getting to learn more about the business and job openings. However, due to the Covid 19, pandemics and restrictions holding such huge events are canceled. Therefore, career fairs are held virtually, where employees meet with potential employers online using a webinar. They get to ask questions and receive answers from employers, just like in in-person fairs. However, there are some critical differences in digital career fair compared to physical fair. For instance, they are not limited to specific locations; thus, you can attend them from wherever. Also, in virtual career fairs, employers can reach out to you if your profile meets the needed requirements for their company.
Listed below are some tips to guide you before, during, and after the virtual fair.
- Ensure your profile is up to date
Before attending a virtual career fair, ensure that your handshake profile is up to date. Check that all the essential information is up to date. Also, confirm that you have selected your job type, preferable location, and also your roles. Finally, ensure your profile is well detailed with your skills, your course, and experience. This will help recruiters, and potential employers find you and invite you to their sessions. Therefore an up-to-date profile will ensure you have not left you on your future job.
- Find out and research on employers attending
Before attending a virtual career fair, find out the employees who will be hosting. Check out the time of their sessions and click to join sessions early enough. Also, research more on different employer’s companies, read various articles, and know more about their companies. This will help you have planned questions to ask during the sessions. Also, ensure you prepare some elevator pitches for yourself. When employers ask more about yourself, you can have something to say, such as background information, career goals, and experience.
- Ensure you are professionally dressed and in a quiet spot with a neutral background
On the day of the virtual career fair, ensure you are professionally dressed. This will give a good impression to employers. Also, it helps boost your confidence. Further, ensure that you select a quiet pot with fewer distractions. Also, ensure the background has neutral colors and nothing destructive.
- During the session, keep time, maintain contact and ask questions
During the sessions, ensure you log in on time. This will pitch an excellent impression on future employers. Also, they will notice your mindful and respectable behavior. Also, during these sessions, ensure you maintain eye contact just like in a physical career fair. Practice active listening, such as nodding your head, taking notes, and maintaining a smile. Finally, ensure you have prepared questions to ask the employer.
- Apply for open jobs and Internships
After the virtual sessions, you can check different employers’ profiles to check if they have open jobs and vacancies. Following the fair, they might consider you.
In conclusion, it is essential to attend career fairs. This is because they will help you understand what to expect in the career field in the future.