Make Your SEO Game Stronger
It takes quite a bit to be competitive in this massive online landscape. No matter what niche your business happens to fall into, there are undoubtedly thousands of other businesses in your niche competing for the same digital landscape.
Despite the global reach of the Internet, that digital real estate is still somewhat finite. There are only so many footholds to be carved out within that space, which means staying relevant and at the forefront of that niche in any way possible. Enter SEO.
SEO Is a Game-Changer
SEO, short for search engine optimisation, is nothing new. It has been around for some time now and it has been playing a huge role for businesses small and large. Whether it be SEO in Geelong or anywhere else, it is all the same idea: to make your website easier to find.
Google changed a lot of things and since then the singular goal of most websites has been to become more discoverable by Google. With its crawlers scouring the Internet, it is looking for the most relevant website for millions of keywords.
By optimising your website with SEO, you can make your website more discoverable based on those keywords, often attached to a geographic location. That makes you come up in the first search results when someone performs a search.
That alone can be a game-changer for businesses of any size. When you are more visible, you are more likely to have your website clicked on, which also means the greater likelihood of a potential customer going with your business over others. It can be huge.
Evening the Playing Field
What SEO does in particular is that it levels the playing field. There have been changes to Google over the years, as it used to be that everyone competed for the same digital space. But now, with local SEO, businesses in a specific geographic area are among the first to show up with a geographic keyword search.
For smaller businesses, whose scope is local at best, it can mean a more consistent flow of business and not having to battle the larger international conglomerates that may be in their line of business. It can also mean potentially expanding one’s reach, which can in turn spurn growth and greater business.
This is the impact that SEO, particularly local SEO, has had. It levels the playing fields for businesses that don’t have an unlimited marketing budget.